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Hip Hop Alumni (HHA) blog is for posts related to Hip Hop news, music, literature, academia, multimedia and links to HHA related social media.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Introducing #HHArchives Abington Poetry Slam 2002

Introducing the #HHArchives

We're all libraries of information and experiences. A lot of stories. It's difficult to document these things in a way that matters, in a way that is accessible, and in a way that will last.  Over the past twenty years using the internet, it seems to me Google will be the only place online that won't break links.  #HHArchives is an attempt to share pieces of information we've saved over the years that hold meaning to what we've done, what's inspired the things we do today, and what reminds us of what we hope to accomplish tomorrow.

Below are clippings from a Time Chronicle article that I saved of Justin De Senso's Penn State University Abington poetry slam in 2002. 

"It's about learning about yourself and learning about language. To express oneself truly is one of the meanings of life for me." - Justin De Senso


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